Sugihara Chiune

Sugihara Chiune




映画の撮影は、外交官として世界各国を行き来していた杉原千畝の生涯を描くため、ヨーロッパをロケハンの末にポーランドで行うことが決定した。その決め手となった大きな理由の1つは、ポーランドでは『シンドラーのリスト』(1994)を初めとした数々のハリウッド映画が撮影されており、国外作品への参加経験が豊富かつ優秀な映画スタッフが数多くいること。こうして偶然にも、映画『杉原千畝 スギハラチウネ』は、ユダヤ難民の凄惨な過去を今に伝えるアウシュビッツ収容所のある、ポーランドでオールロケにて撮影されることとなった。

そして、国境を越えて超豪華キャスト&スタッフが集まった。外交官として日本の行く末を案じ、行動した主人公・杉原千畝を演じたのは、日本映画界を牽引する俳優・唐沢寿明。千畝を常に支え、安らぎを与える美しき妻・幸子に国際派女優・小雪が扮した。加えて、小日向文世、塚本高史、濱田岳、滝藤賢一など日本映画界を代表する錚々たる実力派俳優陣が顔を揃えた。撮影地ポーランドからも、本国で絶大な人気を誇る俳優陣が集結。モントリオール世界映画祭にて最優秀男優賞にも輝いた俳優・ボリス・シッツが千畝の右腕・ペシュを演じた。さらに、アンジェイ・ワイダ監督作品『ワレサ 連帯の男』(2014)でヒロインを演じ、“ポーランドの至宝”と呼ばれる女優・アグニェシュカ・グロホフスカが千畝の満洲時代の同僚・イリーナ役を務めた。




Sunday, March 20 @ 1:30 pm

Ronald Reagan Building

Wednesday, March 23 @ 9:00 pm

E-Street Cinema

Friday, March 25 @ 9:15 pm

Angelika Pop-Up at Union Market

Sunday, March 27 @ 7:00 pm

Bethesda Row Cinema

Sugihara Chiune (139 min) (2015)
杉原千畝 スギハラチウネ
Persona Non Grata

Dialogue in English and Japanese, with English sub-titles

Cast: Toshiaki Karasawa, Koyuki, Fumiyo Kohinata, Takashi Tsukamoto, Gaku Hamada
Director: Cellin Gluck

weblink (English) (Japanese)

Meet the DIRECTOR, Cellin Gluck (click here for profile) -- Join us after the film for a discussion with the film's director, Cellin Gluck on March 20th at the Ronald Reagan Building.



Persona Non Grata tells the story of Chiune Sugihara, the courageous Japan diplomat who defied his government and issued visas in 1940 to over 6,000 Jews, saving them from certain death in Nazi concentration camps. For his actions, he was dismissed from the Foreign Ministry after the war and lived in obscurity.

Sugihara is sometimes called “Japan’s Schindler,” but in reality his motives were very different. He issued visas to people he did not know because he believed it was the right thing to do. What led him to oppose his own Government? The film shows the gradual transformation in Sugihara’s thinking, from a “gung ho” supporter and intelligence gatherer for Japan’s war effort in Manchuria in the 1930s through his subsequent postings and encounters with the Jewish community in Europe. The film also tells a second and rarely-told story, which is what happened after the refugees made the perilous journey across Russia and initially were denied boarding for Japan. It took additional acts of political courage on the part of the Japanese Consul in Vladivostok and an official of the Japan Travel Bureau (today’s JTB) to grant the refugees safe passage to Japan.

Persona Non Grata was filmed entirely in Poland with some of Japan’s and Poland’s leading actors and actresses.

Articles and Reviews

“Is there a place for the brave individual in Japan, committing a selfless act against injustice and intolerance in the face of certain dismissal or worse? That question is at the heart of Persona Non Grata, a must-see film for all those who ever wondered what gave Chiune Sugihara the courage to defy orders, or who need reminding that we all, each of us, can do the right thing.” The Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan

“With meticulous attention to cinematography, costumes and set design and a sweeping musical score throughout, “Persona Non Grata” has the feel of a big-production movie epic.” Atlanta Jewish Times

Director Cellin Gluck's Profile
Cellin Gluck監督 プロフィール

Dir. Gluck

Grew up in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, and began his film career with Ridley Scott’s “Black Rain” (1989.) While he specializes in producing/directing US-Japan co-productions, he continues to work as an assistant director on Hollywood productions, such as Michael Bay’s “Transformers” (2007,) Boaz Yakin’s “Remember the Titans” (2000) and Robert Zemeckis’ “Contact” (1997,) and production manager on films like “Memoirs of a Geisha” (2005) and “Godzilla” (2014). He also directed US segments for Shinji Higuchi’s “Lorelei” (2005), Hideyuki Hirayama’s “Oba: The Last Samurai” (2011), and the “20th Century Boys” trilogy (2008-2009) by Yukihiko Tsutsumi. In 2009, he made his debut as a film director with “Sideways” (2009,) and “Persona Non Grata” is his second feature film.

1958年3月3日、アメリカ人の父と日系アメリカ人の母の長男として和歌山県に生まれる。 1980年に寺山修司監督の『上海異人娼館/チャイナ・ドール』で映画キャリアをスタート。その後、『ブラック・レイン』(1989)、『ラスト・アクション・ヒーロー』(1993)、『コンタクト』(1997)、『タイタンズを忘れない』(2001)、『トランスフォーマー』(2007) などのハリウッド大作にて助監督を担当。2009年、『サイドウェイズ』で映画監督デビューを果たす。日本映画では『ローレライ』(2005) でUSユニットの監督、『太平洋の奇跡~フォックスと呼ばれた男』(2011) でUSユニットの監督・脚本を務めた。