Kaizoku To Yobareta Otoko (145 min) (2016)
Fueled: The Man They Called “Pirate”
Adapted from the best-selling roman a clef novel by Naoki Hyakuta, Kaizoku to Yobareta Otoko is based on the true-life story of Sazo Idemitsu, the founder of Idemitsu Kosan, one of Japan's major corporations. The film's protagonist, Tetsuzo Kunioka, is the owner of a small local oil company in pre-war Japan. Through sheer determination, he develops his company into a national player. Following Japan's defeat in World War II, Kunioka is determined to rebuild his company, and he takes on not only the Japanese oil cartel but also the major international oil companies. He is determined that Japan and his company will rise again. His belief that Japan must control its own oil supply (and therefore its own destiny) is what drives him forward, at times in a risky and ruthless manner.
One of 2016's blockbuster hits, it was nominated for five Japanese Academy Awards, including a Best Actor nomination for Junichi Okada, who plays Kunioka.
しかし鐡造はどんなに絶望的な状況でも決して諦めず、それまでの常識を覆す奇想天外な発想と、型破りの行動力、なによりもみずからの店員(=部下)を大切にするその愛情で、新たな道を切り拓いていった。その鐡造の姿は、敗戦後の日本において、さらなる逆風にさらされても変わることはなかった。そしてついに、敗戦の悲嘆にくれる日本人に大きな衝撃を与える“事件”が発生する。石油メジャーから敵視され、圧倒的な包囲網によりすべてのせく湯輸入ルートを封鎖された国岡鐡造が、唯一保有する巨大タンカー「日承丸」を、秘密裏にイランに派遣するという“狂気”の行動に打って出たのだった。イランの石油あを直接輸入することは、イランを牛耳るイギリスを完全に敵に回すこと。しかし、イギリスの圧力により貧困にあえぐイランの現状と自らのを重ね合わせた鐡造は、店員の反対を医押切、石油メジャーとの最大の戦いに臨む。果たして、日承丸は英国艦隊の目をかいくぐり、無事に日本に帰還することができるのか?そして国岡鐡造は、なぜ“海賊”とよばれたのか?その答えが明らかになる―。 |
TSUKIJI WONDERLAND (築地ワンダーランド) (110 min) (2016)
Tsukiji Wonderland is the first documentary that CineMatsuri has presented. It tells the story of the most famous fish market in the world through the four seasons. But it is more than just the story of the Tsukiji market. It depicts Japanese business ties and the importance of personal relationships. It also pays homage to Japan's food culture by showing the care that Japan's chefs take in selecting quality fish and in preparing sushi and sashimi for their customers.
Nagai Iiwake
The Long Excuse
Two newly bereaved widowers bond over their shared grief in The Long Excuse, a sardonic Japanese drama with leavening moments of dark comedy. Working from her own novel, the writer-director Miwa Nishikawa was partly inspired by the aftermath of the devastating 2011 earthquake and tsunami. In his first lead role since starring in Yojiro Takita's 2008 Oscar-winner Departures, Masahiro Motoki plays Sachio Kinugasa, an arrogant celebrity author whose loveless marriage to Natsuko has degenerated into frosty mutual tolerance.
At the very moment when Natsuko dies in a bus crash, Sachio is in bed with his mistress. Though more shocked and confused than sad, his fame requires him to mourn in public, even staging a cynical pilgrimage to the accident site for a voyeuristic TV crew. Meanwhile, truck driver Yoichi Omiya also loses his wife in the same crash. Consumed by guilt and self-loathing, Sachio recognizes Yoichi's grief as much more heartfelt than his own, especially as the impoverished blue-collar driver is suddenly struggling to raise two young children alone. He impulsively offers to help. (Film description from The Hollywood Reporter)
人気作家の津村啓こと衣笠幸夫(きぬがささちお)は、妻が旅先で不慮の事故に遭い、親友とともに亡くなったと知らせを受ける。その時不倫相手と密会していた幸夫は、世間に対して悲劇の主人公を装うことしかできない。そんなある日、妻の親友の遺族―トラック運転手の夫・陽一とその子供たちに出会った幸夫は、ふとした思いつきから幼い彼らの世話を買って出る。保育園に通う灯(あかり)と、妹の世話のため中学受験を諦めようとしていた兄の真平。子供を持たない幸夫は、誰かのために生きる幸せを初めて知り、虚しかった毎日が輝き出すのだが・・・ |
Satoshi No Seishun (124 min) (2016)
Satoshi: A Move for Tomorrow
This is the true story of shogi prodigy Satoshi Murayama, whose tragic death at 29 sent shock waves through the shogi world. Sickly from birth, Murayama was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome as a child and with cancer in his twenties. Murayama said it was because of his useless body that he turned to shogi. Wracked with pain, he endured his physical symptoms with the stoicism of a samurai, as he rose to beat the reigning Meijin champion Yoshiharu Habu in a historic match. (Film description from The Hollywood Reporter)
The actors who play the two shogi champions, Kenichi Matsuyama and Masahiro Higashide, were nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor, respectively.
そんな聖の前に立ちはだかったのは、将棋界に旋風を巻き起こしていた同世代の天才棋士・羽生善治(東出昌大)。すでに新名人となっていた羽生との初めての対局で、聖は必死に食らいついたものの、結局負かされてしまう。 |
Yu wo Wakasuhodo no Atsui Ai (125 min) (2016)
Her Love Boils Bathwater
Nominated for six Japanese Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Script, Best Actress, and Best Supporting Actress.
Rie Miyazawa plays Futaba, a cheerful woman whose family owns a bath-house – now out of business. When her husband (Joe Odagiri) ran away a year ago, she switched to part time job to support their daughter (Hana Sugisaki). One day, she hears the horrifying verdict: she has no more than 2 months left. When the initial shock passes, she decides what she must do in this limited time. She brings back her husband (now with a second daughter of his own), revives the bathhouse business, and helps her delicate daughter to deal with her issues. She brings her patchwork family closer together, and soon they come to terms with their mother’s condition and decide to say their farewells with the same amount of love. (Film description from Arama Japan)
銭湯「 幸(さち)の湯」を営む幸野家。しかし、父が1年前にふらっと 出(しゅっ)奔(ぽん)し銭湯は休業状態。母・双葉は、持ち前の明るさと強さで、パートをしながら、娘を育てていた。
そんなある日、突然、「余命わずか」という宣告を受ける。その日から彼女は、「絶対にやっておくべきこと」を決め、実行していく。 |